Sophie Cassiano  /photographie viscéraleAbout : A portrait of emptiness

It took me time to realise that most of the photographs I was taking were about a single subject with many shapes and faces ; emptiness.

My work is about void in postmodern society, as my aim is to show how people  fill their own emptiness and deal with the unsatisfaction of broken dreams in mass production societies. As I wandered around the world, I took pictures of random people I met, of my friends, of my lovers.

People from different backgrounds and communities who try to find their alleyway on the road to nowhere.

Outsiders, life explorer, homless, punks, squatters, monks, drug addicts, gypsies, in parties, in the jungle or in abandonned buildings ...

These two series are a tiny selection of a work in progress.


"Keep  bleeding, Keep healing, Keep fading, Keep shining on."

First Light Last Light/Converge